About Us

Bringing together expertise from local and foreign universities, and the government​...

We are an IntraCREATE collaborative research project, supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore.

The research team comprises of an interdisciplinary team of architects, biologist, ecologists, economists, geographers, and software engineers from Singapore ETH Centre, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, the Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology (CUGE) of the National Parks Board (NParks) and ETH Zurich.

The team also welcome input on, for example, ecology, policy and social sciences, from government agencies, NGOs and the wider research community in Singapore and internationally.

Principle Investigators

Research team

Past staff

Felix LIM (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

Mohammad Noh Bin Mohammad Isma (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

TOW Jia Hao (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

Choo Min (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

QIU Jiahui (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

Sean TEOH (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

Zuzana Drillet (Singapore ETH Centre)

ROHAIDI Hilal Fitri (Singapore ETH Centre)

LU Qian Qi Isaac (Singapore ETH Centre)

CHAN Mei Har Michelle (Singapore ETH Centre)

Philemon Heng Song Yue (NUS School of Design and Environment)

Beverley Anne TAN (Singapore ETH Centre)

OOI Wen Ting (Singapore ETH Centre)

Chermaine TAN (Singapore ETH Centre)

FUNG Tze Kwan (Singapore ETH Centre) 

Sasha SOTO (NUS Department of Geography)

ZHANG Jingyuan (NUS School of Design and Environment)

Marcelo Galleguillos TORRES (ETH Zurich)



Dillon How Yi-Lon (NUS Department of Geography)

NG Zhao Ying (NUS Department of Geography)

LIM Yen Ting (NUS Department of Geography)

Katharina HENNGELER (ETH Zurich)

WANG Jiaying (ETH Zurich)

ZHU Chanyuan (ETH Zurich)

Gabriella TAKACS (ETH Zurich)

SEE Sin Ching (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)

LEE Theodora (NUS Department of Biological Sciences)


Dr Nigel GOH (CUGE)

Benjamin LEE (CUGE)

Tsen Yang LEE (CUGE)


Rachel OH (University of Queensland)

Winston CHOW (Singapore Management University)

CHEN Mengli (NTU)

Patrick MARTIN (NTU)