News ...Buzz, Tweets and Transformations

Natural Capital Singapore - Final Webinar

On the 27th April 2021 we had our final public webinar split into 2 sessions so we could hopefully share our findings around the world:

Session 1: What is Urban Natural Capital – in Singapore and around the world?
Seesion 2: How can information on Natural Capital inform decision making?

197 people registered from approx 23 countries touching every continent except Antarctica. But it seems clear we need to reach out wider beyond academia and government. See our project outputs page for session recordings and slides.

Natural Capital Singapore - Launch of Project Video

We were pleased to launch our video at the National Research Foundation CREATE Symposium 6th Dec 2019. Learn about the project objectives and the challenges that we hope to address

Project Launch: 16th August 2018

The project was successfully launched on the 16th August 2018 with key governmental, academic, and NGO stakeholders. The launch was opened by the Executive Director of NRF CREATE, Dr Lim Khiang Wee, and featured presentations from Ms Hwang Yu-Ning, deputy CEO and chief planner, Urban Redevelopment Authority and Dr Lena Chan, senior director International Biodiversity Conservation Division, National Parks Board. Following the launch event, the Natural Capital Singapore project was featured in national news outlets:

The Straits Times: Three-year project will quantify benefits of Singapore’s natural environment

Lianhe Zaobao: 数机构合作研究本地自然生态价值 /Institutions enter research collaboration to study the value of local ecosystems